What is Shiplap Cladding?
As you browse through our extensive range of sheds you’ll notice that each shed has the cladding included on the specification on the right of the page, along with its measurements. The reasons for including the measurements are obvious: they help you to find a size that will suit the available space in your garden. But you might be wondering why a shed’s cladding is so important…Quality and Weather Resistance
The style of cladding is important because it’s a strong indicator of its overall quality and weather resistance. Here at Sheds and Things quality is our top priority, which is why we offer a range of shiplap clad sheds. Our tongue and groove shiplap provides more strength and greater build quality than sub-standard overlap cladding.Three Types of Cladding
There are three types of cladding: overlap, tongue and groove and tongue and groove shiplap. Overlap cladding is the simplest, least durable style of cladding. Tongue and groove cladding has a greater degree of weather resistance than overlap cladding, and protects against the infiltration of rainwater that can cause long lasting damage. It is the most common type of cladding. Premier sheds have shiplap tongue and groove cladding.Shiplap is made along the same lines as tongue and groove cladding but with the addition of a lip between the panels that acts as an extra barrier against rainwater. In shiplap, the profile of each board partially overlaps that of the next board, creating a channel that gives a shadow line effect, provides excellent weather protection and allows for dimensional movement.
Here at Sheds and Things, our high-quality range is clad with tongue and groove shiplap. If you’re looking for a strong shed which is guaranteed to stand the test of time, then we have something for you. Browse our extensive range of sheds today to choose from the highest quality sheds around.